King James I once said that if he were not a king he would like to be an Oxford man. `I was a modest, good-humoured boy,' wrote Max Beerbohm, `it is Oxford that has made me insufferable.' An entertaining blend of fact and anecdote, this is a classic account of the character, history, mores, buildings, climate, and people of a unique city, which has given its name to a marmalade, bags, a grey, shoes, a Group, a Movement, a dictionary, and an accent. Written in elegant, witty prose, this is a delightful portrait of the home of the MG and the university which educated twenty-three British prime ministers. - ;King James I once said that if he were not a king he would like to be an Oxford man. `I was a modest, good-humoured boy,' wrote Max Beerbohm, `it is Oxford that has made me insufferable.' An entertaining blend of fact and anecdote, this is a classic account of the character, history, mores, buildings, climate, and people of a unique city, which has given its name to a marmalade, bags, a grey, shoes, a Group, a Movement, a dictionary, and an accent. Written in elegant, witty prose, this is a delightful portrait of the home of the MG and the university which educated twenty-three British prime ministers. -
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oxford paperbacks
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