The Moon Moth and Other Stories

The Moon Moth and Other Stories


When an out-worlder's body was found in the river, Thissel knew where the criminal was - behind one of the masks worn by the remaining out-worlders on Sirene. But how could he tell which one, on a world where everybody lived behind masks, where men never spoke but sang to instruments, and where any act of intervention with another man's business was punishable by death!

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Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
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  1. Muerto hasta el anochecer (Sookie Stackhouse 1) 2022
  2. La gran Marivián 2013
  3. Pioneros 2015
  4. Una novela criminal (Premio Alfaguara 2018) / The Cassez-Vallarta Affair: A Crim e Novel 2018
  5. Antología de Relatos de Terror de H. P. Lovecraft 2017
  6. Buda 2016

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