The Other Nineteenth Century

The Other Nineteenth Century


Avram Davidson was widely regarded as one of the most outstanding authors of short fantasy fiction in our time. This collection comprises his distinctive historical fantasies - tales of strange Mitteleurpoas, of magic in Victorian England and on the American frontier. Here are "The Lineaments of Gratified Desire", "Traveller from an Antique Land", and "What Strange Stars and Skies"; here are dragons, cameras, and "The Singular Incident of the Dog on the Beach". Witty, whimsical, dark, and strange, these tales of times and places that almost were will leave even the most jaded readers amazed. No one has ever written like Avram Davidson, before or since.

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Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
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  1. Hijos de Anansi, Los Limited 2019
  2. La maldición de Excalibur 2023
  3. La guerra cristera 2020
  4. Cielo nocturno 2010
  5. Catecismo de historia de Colombia 2021
  6. Testimonios sobre Mariana / Testimonies about Mariana 2021

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