If Tomorrow Comes

If Tomorrow Comes


"Ten years after the Aliens left Earth, humanity succeeds in building a ship, Friendship, to follow them home to Kindred. Aboard are a crew of scientists, diplomats, and a squad of Rangers to protect them. But when the Friendship arrives, they find nothing they expected. No interplanetary culture, no industrial base--and no cure for the spore disease. A timeslip in the apparently instantaneous travel between worlds has occurred and far more than ten years have passed"--Amazon.com.

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  1. Perdiendo la cabeza (Serie Aurora Roe Teagarden 5) 2013
  2. Cazadores de sombras 4. Ciudad de los ángeles caídos (Edición mexicana) 2013
  3. Las puertas de lo posible 2016
  4. Tres bosquejos del mal 1994
  5. Media guerra (El mar Quebrado 3) 2016
  6. Escuela de esgrima. Volumen 4 2022

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