
What if, instead of focusing on church programs, we shared meals with people? What if, instead of starting more building initiatives, we fed the hungry? The Old Testament is filled with stories of food, nourishment, and the struggle against hunger. Jacob and Esau fought over soup, God saved the world from famine through Joseph, and the people of Israel received manna from God when they were starving in the wilderness. Similarly, Jesus's ministry was centered around feeding people and discussing "real food" during meals. In Nourish, Mark Moore shows us that by using food to reach people, Jesus was simply following the precedent set by his Father—a God who loves to feed us.

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  1. Motores de sangre 2020
  2. Limpieza de sangre (Las aventuras del capitán Alatriste 2) 2011
  3. El gato negro y otros cuentos 2016
  4. Drácula 2016
  5. La estirpe 2021
  6. Puño y Letra 2017

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