The collections from beloved mother-daughter writing duo Lisa Scottoline and Francesca Serritella are among the best reviewed humor books published today and have been compared to the late greats, Erma Bombeck and Nora Ephron. Here for the first time in a fabulous eBook bundle are two of their witty and warm collections. Have a Nice Guilt Trip This collection of warm and witty stories from Lisa and Francesca will strike a chord with every woman. With twenty-something Francesca navigating New York City, Lisa holding down the fort in the suburbs, and Mother Mary making frequent and always entertaining appearances, there are plenty of opportunities for family-induced guilt, fighting, laughter, and love. Does This Beach Make Me Look Fat? From identity theft to the hazards of bicycling to college reunions and eating on the beach, Lisa and Francesca tackle the quirks, absurdities, and wonders of everyday life with wit and warmth. So put aside your worries and join Lisa and Francesca as they navigate their way through the crazy world we live in, laughing along the way.
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st. martin's press
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