After losing everything at the hands of his sadistic former master, the dashing wizard Felix Harrowgate has finally managed to reclaim his sanity, his magic, and his position in society. But even as he returns to his former place in the Mirador—Mélusine’s citadel of power and Cabaline wizardry— there are many eager to see him fall once more. Mildmay the Fox is an ex-assassin, a cat-burglar, and Felix’s half-brother. Tied to Felix by blood and magic, Mildmay goes where Felix goes—even into the Mirador, where only his link to Felix can protect him from his notorious past. There, Mildmay finds himself drawn to the alluring Mehitabel Parr, an actress who is hiding a dangerous secret. As an unwilling spy for the Bastion, a school of rival wizards who despise the Mirador and all it stands for, she has been forced to gather information from her friends and acquaintances. The Bastion desires above all else to bring down the Mirador, and they have learned that Felix is the key to its destruction. But Mildmay cannot let Felix stand alone, and will fight to save both his brother and his city from certain ruin.
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