The Guilty Plea

The Guilty Plea


On the morning that his headline-grabbing divorce trial is set to begin, Terrence Wyler is found dead on the kitchen floor of his million-dollar home, the victim of countless stab wounds. Detective Ari Greene arrives minutes before the international press, who have been egged on by Wyler's torrid affair with a young Hollywood starlet. The dead man has left a strange clue. Toronto is going through a crime wave and the heat is on Greene. Hours after the funeral, Wyler's ex-wife, a strange beauty named Samantha from an old mining town in northern Ontario, is charged with murder.

Servicios de préstamo

Bibliotecas públicas de Andalucía Buscar
Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
Préstamo de libros electrónicos (eBiblio Andalucía) Buscar


  1. La canción del arrozal 2020
  2. El perro rabioso 2022
  3. Días de combate 2020
  4. Perdida / Gone Girl 2019
  5. Los raros 2013
  6. Memorial del engaño / Memoir of a Fraud 2016

Otros detalles



Código ISBN



simon and schuster

Año de publicación