The Triumph of the Egg: A Book of Impressions From American Life in Tales and Poems

The Triumph of the Egg: A Book of Impressions From American Life in Tales and Poems


This early work by Sherwood Anderson was originally published in 1921 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. 'The Triumph of the Egg: A Book of Impressions From American Life in Tales and Poems' is one of Anderson's collections of short stories and poetry. Sherwood Anderson was born in Camden, Ohio in 1876. He left school at fourteen, and after working various jobs served in the Spanish-American War in 1898. In 1908, Anderson began writing short stories and novels. During the twenties, Anderson published Poor White (1920), The Triumph of the Egg (1921), Many Marriages (1923) and Horses and Men (1923). Although considered to be a minor work by the critics, Anderson's most commercial successful novel was Dark Laughter, published in 1925. Anderson died of peritonitis in Panama in 1941, aged 64.

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  1. 1984 (edición definitiva avalada por The Orwell Estate) 2013
  2. Dos veces única 2024
  3. Maestros de la Prosa - León Tolstói 2020
  4. Ecos del pasado (Saga Outlander 7) 2018
  5. Teatro completo 2007
  6. La señora Dolloway 2022

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