
"Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine" returns with issue #15, presenting the best in modern and classic mystery fiction! Included this time are the usual column by Dr John H. Watson, plus the following works: Tuning in Sherlock, by John Longenbaugh Dr. Watson: Action Hero? by Leigh Perry A Study in Consistency, by Dan Andriacco Sherlock Holmes and the Autumn of Terror, by J.G. Grimmer The Adventure of the Old Russian Woman, by Jack Grochot Juggling With Sherlock's Friend, by Mark Levy, BSI The Adventure of the White Python, by Adam McFarlane Happy Birthday, Mr Holmes! by Gary Lovisi The Adventure of the Eccentric Inventor, by Eugene D. Goodwin The Revenge of the Fenian Brotherhood, by Carole Buggé The Third Sequence, by Sherlock Holmes How Watson Learned the Trick, by John H. Watson, M D "Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine" is produced under license from Conan Doyle Estate Ltd.

Servicios de préstamo

Bibliotecas públicas de Andalucía Buscar
Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
Préstamo de libros electrónicos (eBiblio Andalucía) Buscar


  1. La memoria donde ardía 2019
  2. Teo y el parque de diversiones 2013
  3. La puerta de Audrey 2011
  4. La vida secreta de tu alcachofa de ducha 2023
  5. El Campamento Bíblico de la Franela Roja del Tío Bob – Libro del Éxodo 2021
  6. Perdiendo la cabeza (Serie Aurora Roe Teagarden 5) 2013

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Año de publicación