


intotheBLUE is his first book and you are invited to embark on a spirit journey with the wolf, the lonely guide of the soul. Stalk the shadows of solitude, the cavernous emptiness within a man who has lost his love. Discover, in these depths, the bittersweet lake of memories and regrets, a reflecting pool of the past showing with painful clarity things that once were and never will be again. Loss is what drives the wolf to howl at the night, in the hopes that somewhere out there, someone precious to it will hear its cry. Steve Ellis soulful compositions are windows into the heart that will take readers intotheBlue.

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Bibliotecas públicas de Andalucía Buscar
Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
Préstamo de libros electrónicos (eBiblio Andalucía) Buscar


  1. Érase una vez en Colombia (Comedia romántica y El espantapájaros) 2013
  2. Tono-Bungay 2021
  3. Sueños de sueños & Los tres últimos días de Fernando Pessoa 2022
  4. Las sucias calles del cielo 2013
  5. 7 mejores cuentos de Abraham Valdelomar 2020
  6. El huésped y otros relatos siniestros 2018

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xlibris corporation

Año de publicación