The road novel that gave Sonoma Valley its nickname from the renowned nineteenth-century American author of The Call of the Wild and White Fang. In Oakland, California, former boxer Billy Roberts and his wife, Saxon, have a turbulent marriage, disrupted by the social issues of turn-of-the-century urban California—including labor strikes and violence. So Billy and Saxon embark on a quest through the rural countryside, encountering a Portuguese settlement and an artists’ colony before finally finding happiness on a farm of their own in the Sonoma Valley. “Jack London’s novel Valley of the Moon describes the journey of a working-class couple from Oakland to a rural idyll in Glen Ellen, by way of labor strikes, boxing matches and an artist’s colony in Carmel.” —Sonoma Index-Tribune “Pick up a copy of Jack London’s novel, The Valley of The Moon. . . . In the book you’ll get a feel for London’s love of the land Jack came to call home.” —Sonoma Valley Wine
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open road media
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