
When death comes, life can at last begin again... Which will prevail, Life or Death? Iapetos has come back into the lives of Talib and Hotan, but what will happen when his own memories come flooding back? Hotan must come to terms about his emotions regarding the man who is his father while deciphering his newfound feelings for Abigail. Meanwhile, Iapetos faces past regrets and must decide to let the past still haunt him or choose a life more fitting for who he wants to be. Talib can only wait for judgments to be made and decide if he even has the right to intervene in this epic closing to a century's worth of family struggles. Includes Bonus materials from Author including Artwork, complete list of Immortals and Powers, the song playlists for all three books, and the Back story on how the trilogy came about.

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  1. Mi querida tentación 2020
  2. El último suspiro del Moro 2011
  3. La pirámide blanca 2022
  4. La larga marcha 2013
  5. Muerto hasta el anochecer / Dead Until Dark 2023
  6. Tono-Bungay 2021

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4 horsemen publications, inc.

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