British car detective Jack Colby reaches back to WWII to uncover the deadly secrets of a legendary 1937 Alfa Romeo Spyder. Jack Colby’s old friend, the world-renowned classic-car portraitist Giovanni Donati, has a sweet new gig: paint an exceptionally rare Alfa Romeo Spyder that was last seen racing in Italy’s famed Mille Miglia just before Hitler came to power. Ever since, it’s been resting on its laurels at Plumshaw Manor. But mere hours after he arrives, Giovanni is arrested for murdering a member of the family at their sprawling English estate. Could he have done it? Is he being framed? If so, why? The investigation leads Jack back to the Second World War—and forward to a vicious rivalry between two aristocratic clans. Now Jack has to dig through a long and mysterious history of betrayal, jealousy, and secret love affairs to prove Giovanni’s innocence. But nothing is as it seems—except for the danger Jack faces as he draws close to the truth.
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severn house publishers ltd
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