
Supernatural agents, Djinn, rats: here are three great new fantasy novels at a great price. THE ROOK: 'The body you are wearing used to be mine.' So begins the letter Myfanwy Thomas is holding when she awakes in a London park surrounded by bodies all wearing latex gloves. An astonishing fantasy debut about the secret organization keeping Britain safe from supernatural threat. THE DESERT OF SOULS: Amid the trackless sands of ancient Arabia, two companions – a swordsman and a scholar – search for the ruins of the lost city of Ubar. Before their quest is over, they will battle necromancers and animated corpses, they will confront a creature that has traded wisdom for the souls of men since the dawn of time and they will fight to save a city's soul. THE TWYNING: A story of love, war and rats, pitting their world against their mortal enemy: humankind.

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Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
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  1. Oro y ceniza 2018
  2. Matrix 2022
  3. Ojos azules 2014
  4. La isla de los caballeros 2014
  5. El Hombre de Bronce 2014
  6. Menta 2011

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bloomsbury publishing

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