Kid Wolf and Kraken Boy

Kid Wolf and Kraken Boy


“Kid” Wolffe is an up-and-coming boxer in 1920s New York. An honest fighter’s got little chance at success on the mob-controlled circuit—until ambitious lieutenant “Hinky” Friedman starts making moves to take over her boss’s business, and sees a use for the kid. Teitelstam is a struggling tattoo artist, whose natural talent for ink magic won’t amount to much without formal training. So he’s got no idea why Hinky would offer him ten times what he’s worth to come work for her. But Hinky has a vision for a better world, and her high-stakes plan to make it reality requires both Wolffe’s fists and Teitelstam’s magic. What neither Wolffe nor Teitelstam expects is to fall in love; and in this world, love might be more dangerous than deadly magic or an underworld turf war…

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  1. Sólo la oscuridad 2023
  2. ¿Cómo va la vida? 2015 Medición del bienestar 2015
  3. Que no muera el aspidistra (edición definitiva avalada por The Orwell Estate) 2014
  5. Cuentos (Flash cuentos) 2019
  6. La maldición de Khaine no 3/5 2018

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rebellion publishing ltd

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