This story is set during the events of Horizon Zero Dawn. Alloy’s search for answers led her to Meridian, where she helped Erend bring Dervahl to justice. Soon after, she learned that the Eclipse cult had a base in the northern ruins of Maker’s End. But just as she set out to find it, Erend requested her aid yet again. An Oseram trader had been murdered near Pitchcliff and Korl, an old associate of Dervahl’s, was spotted near the scene. Together, our heroes set out to bring this dangerous fugitive to justice. While pursuing Korl across the mountains, Erend began to tell Aloy the epic story of his sister Ersa. When the two siblings fought against the Carja during the Red Raids, she was taken captive. After surviving trail by combat in the infamous Sun-Ring, she formed a clandestine alliance with Avad, youngest and kindest of the Sun-King’s heirs. He helped her escape bondage and gave her intel that could help her tribe win the war. Later, Avad himself met up with her band of rebel freebooters in the wilds. Before Erend could finish the story, Korl’s trail led our heroes into the path of a deadly Stormbird…
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titan comics
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