
The story begins with a series of letters between Nathanael, his fiancée Clara, and her brother Lothar. Nathanael describes a childhood fear of a creature called The Sandman who was said to come at night and steal the eyes of children, which intermingled with a the appearance of a man named Coppelius in his father's room some nights to work on what appears to have been alchemy. This man once attacked Nathanael, threatening to take his eyes, and later killed his father before disappearing.

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Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
Préstamo de libros electrónicos (eBiblio Andalucía) Buscar


  1. Un certamen de insectos 2021
  2. Una dama extraviada 2022
  3. El círculo de Farthing 2014
  4. Viajes por Europa 2010
  5. La noche de Tlatelolco 2023
  6. Cuentos extraordinarios 2017

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